2010 – Beyond Schoodic: our farthest Maine destination

Sunset in Corea Harbor; the only pleasure vessels in this quietworking harbor. We were rafted on the “guest mooring” with fellow cruisers, Paul & Sally Merry’s Calypso.

Perry Creek, Burnt Coat, Corea, Buckle, Round & McGlathery, Merchant/Harbor.


Best new harbor: Corea
Best new storm hole: Perry Creek
Best new marina: Billings at Stonington
Best lobster: Corea Lobster Co-op (may be the all-time winner)
Still best mooring and provisions: Rockland, Beggars Wharf, Hanniford
Best (only!) new onshore meal: Black Bull Tavern, Rockland
Best new tool: iPhone 4

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24 sat onset
top off diesel with 13 gal, 2 ice blocks, 1 cubes
4:30 to nada
decent electrical storm, cancel short hop to Duxbury

25 sun isles of shoals
cool with heat ahead
6:15 to 9:30
nice wind at NE end, close-reaching at 6.5 kts
9:30 wind drops, begin motoring for the long day
harbor empty, windy, take individual rolly moorings (add scope to pendant)
bbq chix
cell 3G

26 mon cliff island, casco bay
clear, cool, still windy
9:30 to 6:30
be careful what you ask for, lots of wind!
reefs in and out all day, also whisker pole; “gusts” last for long periods, not moments
raft (us) on mooring, peaceful
steak, pot
cell 3G

27 tue harbor island, muscongus bay
warm (hot?) and clear
10:15 to 6:00
motorsail, sail reefed, motorsail, genoa to ease up the bay
raft (paul) on mooring
chops, pot
cell EDGE ok

28 wed perry creek, vinalhaven
cool and sunny
10:00 to 5:30
great sail to Pt Clyde for fuel (10 gal plus 5 spare), water, trash, no ice (or t.p.)
motor into wind rest of day
raft (us) on mooring, not as far in as ToyBoy
no cell
rain in evening

29 thu burnt coat harbor, swans island (orig. lunt harbor, frenchboro)
cool, light fog, wet (but salt from Monday all gone!)
11:15 to ????
broad reach, wind up and down
12:15 or so pot warp wrapped on prop, cut free (twice – two lines!)
sail to Merchant I and anchor under sail, a new trick for us
call around – no Boat/US – finally get diver from Isle au Haut, Dave, who free dives for $50
continue to Swans with the time remaining; great sail all the way into Burnt Coat Harbor
raft on Merry anchor
bbq chix
cell EDGE
4:15 am work boats start out

30 fri corea harbor
clearn and cool
9:30 to 4:00
sail past F’boro
12:30 grab pot but cut away
wind dies and motor past Schoodic
raft with Paul on THE mooring – only pleasure boats in the harbor
walk around, take photos, buy old shells at the coop, $9 each – best ever!
awesome sunset with clouds
4:00 am work fleet out

31 sat buckle harbor via great cranberry
cool, quiet and clear
9:30 to 5:00
little wind, motor
sail past cranberries and grab guest mooring for lunch
motor out and around to Bass Harbor
decent wind across the top of Swans ’til Paul calls to say wind has died – so it does!
raft on Merry anchor off Buckle
circumnavigate island 1.8 times (on foot): trails, benches, fairy houses, views
steak, pot
awesome sunrise

1 sun round/mcglathery islands, merchant row
cool, sunny, still, warming fast
test aRS-4 tach, not
check and clean ‘beke, add oil
drill bulkhead holes for windlass cables
2:30 to 5:30
nice sail across Jerico bay (better if not leery of centerboard and pot warps!)
neat sail through mid-passage, in and out of the lee of the islands
one boat smack in the middle of Wreck’s anchorage so back off to an empty round&mcglathery
raft on our anchor
measure for more cable holes

2 mon merchant/harbor islands, merchant row
cool, dew, then clear and sunny
9:30 to 3:00
clear pots to raise anchor – one pair of lines around the rode – and a mystery green line
motor to Billings – lots of room to tie up for hours
– fuel (6 gal), water, trash, showers, ice (1 block), T-shirts ($30)
motor out to Mark Island then a lazy genoa sail back across to merchant/harbor
anchor w/kellet await raft with Paul
cut remaining holes and run windlass cables
soft shell lobster from a boat (not anywhere as good as Corea), pilaf
cell okay

3 tue rockland
cooler, overcast
more windlass wiring but not have relay connections
10:30 to 3:30
motorsail with genoa; foggy, hazy, rain
decent wind for a while and sail through FI thorofare
at the mouth no wind, then later good wind, sailing, sun, then wind drops at Owl’s Head
individual moorings at Beggars Wharf
hit Hamilton’s ($15 – $22 last year) and Hanniford ($90 – $80 last year)
dinner at Black Bull Tavern ($41) very good
cell useless!

4 wed harbor island, muscongus bay
cell excellent 3G – Huh?!
some sun returns, blowing ~10 kts, study dire forecasts
9:30 to 5:00
pitch of a motor into the SW all the way to Pt Clyde, stop for fuel top-off (4 gal)
another lazy genoa sail south of Barker (new way through)
raft (paul) on mooring
steak, pot, salad
cell EDGE

5 thu cliff island, casco bay
cool, foggy, damp
9:00 to 5:00
the day we’d been missing in Maine!
no land seen after Pemaquid Point until half-mile from Jewell was Fuller Rock
but fewer pots seen!
raft (us) on mooring
spaghetti and salad
cell excellent 3G
sun out and fog back; see milky way nonetheless

6 fri isles of shoals
warm, clear, wind!
10:00 to 7:30
what wind?
motor basically until 4 when, whoa, wind!
one hour comes off the ETA and we’re flying, wind up to 30 kts.
awesome rollers at Gosport Harbor entrance but we grab a mooring on first try
Nan says never needed so much power to head up to a mooring; again add rode for scope
Paul grabs one solo
dinner? not
cell 3G or nothing

7 sat clark’s island, duxbury
cold, overcast, lt. wind
9:45 to 8:45
what to say about another day of motoring
turned off night mode on the 276c and dimmed the display – much better than the “black light” mode
raft (paul) on mooring
steak, pot, spinach

8 sun onset
sunny and hot and windy!
9:15 to 2:30
great sail, reefed, across flats to MaryAnn rocks, then motorsail to Canal and as far as Sagamore bridge
1:00 in, 2:00 out and 2:30 on mooring 1191
5:30 all on shore!