To and from the Barge Canal
on the Indian River
Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
Tuesday went sailing! Indian River
sailing is not quite Buzzards Bay sailing, but they've got wind
and birds and funny trees and lots more. Dave & Laurie Page
were gracious hosts. Monday he picked us up at the airport and
we picked up Laurie and toured the town and ate and saw the boat
and talked and ate some more and finally went to bed. Weather
report called for rather large seas in the Atlantic, so we opted
for the ICW. (They are in a marina off the barge canal so can
go either way.) With stiff 20-kt north wind, we flew down the
river, keeping between the marks. Tacking back part of the way,
we allowed ourselves some range to the west, but never went east
of the greens. Then gave up and motored rest of the way. 'Twas
brisk; Nan ended up in Dave's down parka, Charis in Laurie's

Track from my GPSmap 76, plotted in Garmin's MapSource.

Click on any photo for an enlaregment.