With apologies to Martin Mull, who was a funny folk singer long before Fernwood Tonight. Continue reading

With apologies to Martin Mull, who was a funny folk singer long before Fernwood Tonight. Continue reading
A two week cruise to Maine in Jabberwocky, our Freedom 28, along with Paul & Sally Merry in their Luders 33, Aurora. We headed out to Provincetown on the way up, then over to Matinicus.
Burnt Coat, Frenchboro, Northeast Harbor, McGlathery, Long Cove, Damariscove Island. Continue reading
A two week cruise to Maine in Jabberwocky, our Freedom 28, along with Paul & Sally Merry in their Luders 33, Aurora. This was our first trip and sadly, this is the only photo. The camera broke and we didn’t know it until the negatives (remember film?) were developed.
Tenant’s Harbor, Merchant Row, North Haven, Bayside, the White Islands. Continue reading
Photos of assorted sailing cruises in New England and Florida. Continue reading
In 1992 and 1993, four of us cruised the Leeward Islands in Minstrel, a Jeanneau 442. We found them to be a varied and interesting group of islands and cultures. It can be an ambitious vacation, but if you like sailing, it offers great trade winds sails, interspersed with intriguing stopovers. Continue reading