
I The two of us live in Onset, Massachusetts, a village of Wareham, at the northeast end of Buzzards Bay. My late wife, Nan, and I previously lived in Allston, a neighborhood of Boston (no, it’s not just students) for 35 years.

As I wrote on our holiday card in 2022…

A new year. The last couple haven’t been anything to rave about. Almost a year ago now, Nan died*. It gets a bit lonely around here. Nan was my motivation and my conscience. As Jason Isbell sings, “It gets easier but it never gets easy.” For now I’m still here in this beautiful place we’d found. Still have a boat, if no longer the sailboat we enjoyed for years. Friends have kept my spirits up with, well, spirits, boating and bonfires. Maggie the cat is a comfort and so happy I can be taught new tricks.
