The Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages provided a relaxing week of sun, sand and sailing in a real Keys environment. And a break from the endless snow of New England. Continue reading

The Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages provided a relaxing week of sun, sand and sailing in a real Keys environment. And a break from the endless snow of New England. Continue reading
Once again, new and old harbors and new and old friends. Here, the always-dramatic Isles of Shoals after our second day of being chased by storms boiling off the land.
Pickering Island, Buckle Harbor, Isle au Haut, Winter Harbor, Long Cove. Continue reading
A cruise of new and old harbors but either no wind or wind on the nose. We were treated to several days’ worth of rainbows, here in Cabot Cove, rafted with fellow cruisers, Paul & Sally Merry.
The Mud Hole, Frenchboro, Pulpit Harbor, Perry Creek, Rockland Continue reading
Sunset in Corea Harbor; the only pleasure vessels in this quietworking harbor. We were rafted on the “guest mooring” with fellow cruisers, Paul & Sally Merry’s Calypso.
Perry Creek, Burnt Coat, Corea, Buckle, Round & McGlathery, Merchant/Harbor. Continue reading
Where the adventure began: the city dinghy dock at Garrison Bight, way too late at night.
The sun had set during dinner at the Keys Fishery in Marathon, so it was pretty dark as we loaded the humongous dinghy at the Garrison Bight dinghy dock in Key West. Not used to big dinghy docks (or perhaps just tired) I nearly ran the shopping cart full of possessions off the float. Would have been a wet start to a cruise! Continue reading